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Thursday, December 24, 2020

DAVIS, Frank (unknown location)




PHOTO TAKEN: unknown location and photographer, circa 1904-1907

PURCHASED: Feb 2018 Wildwood Antique Mall, Wildwood FL

This is going to be difficult. Frank Davis is a common name, and there's no location to help pinpoint him, but other photos in the same booth were of people from Columbus OH and Charlottesville VA, so this MAY be the same.

However, there are some clues to be had in the fashion the man is wearing, and in the physical appearance of the photo itself.

The card measures 7 inches x 11 inches, making it larger than the standard "Cabinet Card" of 4.25 x 6.5, and also larger than the oversized Cabinet Card termed "Boudoir Cards" which are typically 5.25 x 8 inches.

The card stock is thick, cream colored, with slighty rounded corners (although this may have come from trimming or wear-and-tear.) The card is cut to a 45 degree beveled edge of contrasting dark grey color, and the cream colored surface has a woven texture.

Beveled edges were most popular 1885-1895, although they were still seen later than that.

The fine woven texture on the face of the card would not have been seen before the later part of the 1890s.

Now looking at the fashion being worn ... we immediately see a large stiff rounded collar. This was a popular style during the first decade of the 1900s. It could be as early as 1902, but probably not as late as 1910. The tie is secured with a small knot, which is appropriate for this same time period. Had the photo been taken a decade earlier, the knot would have been twice that size.

The jacket lapels also point to 1902 and later. In the 1890s the lapels of jackets were much smaller.

All things together, I would date this photograph to 1904-1907. Despite the "bed-head", Frank's hairstyle is one that would have been seen over long list of decades. 

How old is Frank? He appears to be around 20-25, making a target birth year 1882 (give or take 3 years.)

This will take more work.. . and I may need to wait for someone to come to me on this one.

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